Sunday 10 April 2011

What I'm Doing on this Blog

Ok, I just finished high school and I would love it if I could become a bookbinder. I love books, I love being around them, I love reading them. And it would be great if I could have a job that would allow me to be around them. So if I put that together with other bits and pieces of my personality (of which I will not bore you with), Bookbinding is the most perfect job for me.
I came to this conclusion about a year ago when I was going through a careers website trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life after I left school. So I found out more about it, and the more I knew, the more I wanted to do it.

It was all great. I had a goal, something I finally thought I would enjoy doing. Next step. Get Training. Not as easy as it sounds. I could not find ANYONE that teaches bookbinding. No one. Nada. Zip. Zilch. A few university's in England teach conservation, but that wasn't really what I wanted to do. I want to be making the books, rather than determining how old they are etc.
It would be nice to do some of the practical side of conservation bookbinding in the future, in order to learn more about what I hope will be my craft. But I don't want it to be my main focus, if you know what I mean.

So, after months of frustrating search for a teacher, and a long talk with my mum, I decided to teach myself.

In this blog, "The Bookbinder's Apprentice" I will record as much as I can of what I am going through, and how I'm doing it and figuring out everything of what it takes to bind books.
Wish me luck. And I hope that if anyone else is trying to find out the way to get training for bookbinding, that they will be able to look at my blog, and perhaps use it as a cheat sheet and maybe avoid any mistakes I am probably going to do.


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